I thought these would be neat to get, everyone can get one, If you like the idea , let me know. I will post a way to help me pay for these directly through this blog, if I get enough responses . I have to order them in a bulk of 100 to get the $2.00 a piece price. Let me know. They will be engraved with ~Goodchild Reunion 2010~
Goodchild Family Reunion 2010
Im planning on ordering these
Never store ANYTHING in your car
Collecting extra camping equipment
To take the worry off of those that are coming in from out of town, like by airplane. I and hopefully others that see this, will start collecting some extra equipment, obviously it would be a huge hassle to drag a tent, sleeping bags, and other camping items on a plane.
I will be looking for these items at garage sales, and cleaning them up . How does that sound? Even if your not out of town and you need some of this equipment, garage sales in the off season are perfect for this stuff. Let me know if you need help with this. And those that come up with extras and can haul them up there, Please make sure they are cleaned, functioning, and have stakes for the tents.
Great garage sale finds; tents, sleeping backs flashlights lanterns Ill start a running list of items available when they become available..first to claim, gets them. If you are local you can pick them up from me, if your flying in, Ill haul it for you. Or someone will. :)
Reunion Date
Ok, I had to come up with a definite Date. Since I had very little imput. This is what I decided. Its set!! no changing, So start making reservations other than camping. DONT wait till July, you wont find anything. Dont depend on someone else getting reservations for you..You must get your own. Camping reservations start in March. Ill send Updates
Do You remember the Firefalls
At 9:00 each evening in Camp Curry, the crowd which had gathered for the nightly campfire program, would fall silent. A man would call out to the top of Glacier Point "Let the Fire Fall!", and a faint reply could be heard from the top of the mountain. Then a great bonfire of red fir bark would be pushed evenly over the edge of the cliff, appearing to the onlookers below as a glowing waterfall of sparks and fire. The spectacle was the Yosemite Firefall, a nightly tradition in Yosemite National Park for some 88 years. I witnessed the Firefall myself as a child and still remember it with uncanny vividness
The last Reunion,,,,,2001
In July 2001 many of us got together in Yosemite for a family reunion. Can you believe it has been that long? That is really bad actually.
I know its early, but if we start planning now for next summer, we can have a really successful Reunion.
Ill be researching all the different lodging available, transportation(flights, rentals etc) , of course you can do this on your own and ad it to the blog too.
Camping is 5 months in advance, may change to 6 months in advance. The Yosemite Lodge is 1 year.
Ill post a date in the near future. Probably early July, so we can take advantage of the river rafting.
Any and all suggestions and advice is ALWAYS welcome. Together we can make lifetime memories