Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another family we hope to see...

Wow Michele,,
Your not suppose to have all these kids!! I remember babysitting you too.
If you dont already know,,which is possible,
this is Michele, Scott, Nathan, Kyle and Emma.
I hope we get to see all of you in July.
If anyone would like to email me a current photo, I would be happy to put it on the blog. As you know if I find it, Ill steal it, and post it. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I thought this was funny..

HI Everyone,

I thought this was funny when I saw it, wouldnt it be neat to show up to your campsite with this all set up for you? I know I hate this part the most about camping, Thats why we have a trailer now.
After a couple days in Yosemite in the middle of the summer, it wont be all nice and white anymore :)
But a good idea , at least bringing up extra equipment if you have it , for those that dont , so you dont have to buy it. Make sure you print out the email I sent out with the checklist. Plan now. I guess Im just a planner. Cant help it. I just want this to go smooth.
Happy Planning :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Reunion Date

Ok,,I had to come up with a definite Date.
Since I had very little imput, This is what I decided..its set, no changing. So start making reservations other than camping..DONT wait till July, you wont find anything. Dont depend on someone else getting reservations for you ..You must get your own.
Camping reservation start in March. Ill send updates
email me for the dates

Thursday, September 10, 2009

If you didnt know..

If you havent seen Matt and his cute little family,,like Me, in many many YEARS,, here is a photo I stole off of Kims Facebook,,Just be warned, I like snatching photos, so please dont be mad.
Matt, Kim, Hannah, Trevor and Hailey.
Arent the cutest. I remember Matt when he was the cutest like Trevor, dragging around his floppy dog everywhere..Do you still have that dog Matt?
If anyone has updated pics of their family , you are more than welcome to add them, or send them to me, and I will do it.
Hope we get to see this bunch next July...........

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I know I wasnt the only one that thought, AGAIN?? ,,this is the way we have to get together as a family? I hadnt seen many of you since the last Funeral . I dont want to meet like that again for a long time. Lets get together for a Happy occassion. My kids didnt even know who most of you were. I dont want that. I want them to know all of you . My happiest memories were of being together as a family. I had friends comment all the time, WOW,,you have a big family, because we use to get together more often. Always seemed to see one of you here or there. But Now its only for Memorials. I know Funerals are inevitable, but why do we wait till then. No matter how busy our lives are, we should take the time to be with family. Ill always have the good memories of JohnJohn..He always had a smile, a nice thing to say, and a playful heart. He will be missed for sure.
